Dialogue with Brenda Dunne
I had a great dialogue with Brenda Dunne who co-lead the 28 years of research at Princeton into intention and consciousness. The conclusions she shares about the nature of reality are critical for our times.
Read MoreI had a great dialogue with Brenda Dunne who co-lead the 28 years of research at Princeton into intention and consciousness. The conclusions she shares about the nature of reality are critical for our times.
Read MoreAn exploration of the role of linear time and thought in the human journey, and why we need to get beyond them.
Read MoreThe challenge we face as humanity of healing the separation we created between ourselves and the Earth.
Read MoreThe octave perspective on the Spiral Dynamics model and its link to Volution
Read MoreThe underlying volutionary dynamics in the Spiral Dynamics model
Read MoreA short clip of me explaining how the theory came to be called Volution Theory.
Read MoreA deep dive into the volution philosophy
Read MoreThe next immersive version of the Introduction to Energetics course will be starting on May 7th.
Read MoreI have just completed a new online course aiming to give people an introduction to understanding and working with energetics in large-scale systems.
Read MoreThis third video in the energetics module from my Transformational Leadership course (https://www.ubiquity.courses/p/transformational-leadership) goes into detail about how you can understand the different components of collective energy fields and engage with them. It draws particularly on the work of ECOintention (previously known as ECOtherapy).
Read MoreI just had this thought the other day that seems to make sense.
The image illustrates this process that I describe in the volution thesis - when we look to expand our consciousness we have to heal past trauma in parallel (as at https://www.volutiontheory.net/…/…/3/3/an-octave-perspective):
In this section I originally wrote:
"The light of the new information triggers an expansive drive for greater agency and freedom, while at the same time love and understanding are needed to embrace and integrate the past. These two fundamental dynamics that happen in parallel to each other reflect two of the main drives of a holon (see above) that Wilber (2005) describes, agency and communion."
I am going to add:
"This stretching for the light, reconnecting with love and being in the middle of that, could be seen as an expression of the three person perspectives of language. Reaching out to something outside of us, an “it”, is a third person expression, reconnecting with love to past trauma in us to put humpty-dumpty back together again is engaging in a relationship with a second person “you” to make a “we”, while the first person “I” sits at the centre of this dynamic. In this way the three person perspectives can be seen as part of the dynamic volution of life, not simply categories of perspective."
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I came across this beautiful calligraphy by Francois Cheng while visiting Reims Cathedral in France. It was part of an exhibition that included Pierre Teilhard de Chardin. For me, it captures beautifully the volutionary dynamic, with a torus and emanation at the centre. This was the text he had put below it (translated from French, see photo of original below).
"Life creates life / and it will never end"
This famous phrase comes from one of the Great Commentaries on the Book of Changes. Like Tai Chi Chuan, calligraphy allows those that practise it to reconnect with the Breath and to revitalise oneself in the universal current of life.
The practice is spiritual. The calligraphy triggers a dialogue between the visible and the invisible, the finite and the infinite. The line leads to the welling up of an interior world.
I wanted to depict this elan.
In the second character, identical to the first, the vertical line has what painters call a "blanc volant" (literally, "flying white"). It is a spontaneous form which comes from the running out of the ink during the composition.
For a calligrapher the "blanc volant" is an opportunity: it allows the circulation of the Breath in the line itself.
This is how life creates life: the promise is eternal.
(From Et le souffle devient signe by Francois Cheng)
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This video, from my Ubiquity Transformational Leadership course (https://www.ubiquity.courses/p/transformational-leadership), describes the various aspects of an energetic architecture in collective systems - what it is composed of and how can you assess its fitness to achieve its purpose. It is based on my work as an ECOintention Practitioner (formerly ECOtherapy) - see http://www.ecointention.com/index_e.htm. See also An Introduction to Energetic Architecture if you want more context.
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Here's a video of Jude talking about her latest work that deeply informed volution theory. Jude was my major advisor for the PhD dissertation. She has a great online course on this available at Ubiquity University - https://www.ubiquity.courses/p/the-cosmic-hologram.
This is a video of a talk I gave at the Integral Theory Conference in 2012 just as the initial ideas for volution were forming, before I started doing all the research for the PhD dissertation. It's a good introduction to the foundational concepts and my impulse for further developing the ideas.
Read MoreThis is a session from my Transformational Leadership course that introduces the concept of there being an energetic architecture to large scale systems - a subtle dimension of their existence where the information is expressing itself as energy as it crystallises into relational experiences and visible matter. For the full course, see https://www.ubiquity.courses/p/transformational-leadership.
This is a talk I gave for the WeSpace Summit, describing my understanding and experience of working with the information and energy of large-scale natural and human systems (e.g. large areas of land, organizations, groups).
A talk I gave for the WeSpace Summit, describing my understanding and experience of working with the information and energy of large-scale natural and human systems (e.g. large areas of land, organizations, groups). See https://www.thewespacesummit.com for more talks in this series.
Here is a second draft of key thoughts for the section that fleshes out the first point in the thesis, about the three core elements. Thoughts welcome - does this make sense? Do you have other examples that would fit with the three aspects? Do you disagree with the way I have categorised any of them in the Table? I am toying with this, so hold it lightly with me...
The thesis: Looking out at the world, we can see for every entity at every level:
i. a boundary field (“Unified Field”) created by the original impulse for the entity that transcends yet includes every part of the entity
ii. an aspect of an entity that we can perceive with our 5 senses (“Relative Manifestation”)
iii. and an aspect of reality that exists in between the two (“Ubiquitous Spirit”).
The Unified Field is different to the Absolute Oneness (or “God”) in that the Unifying Field is something we perceive with our understanding and as such is always a relative part of a bigger whole, whereas Absolute Oneness is our inner subjective experience of oneness.
Read MoreAn attempt to describe the spine of the thesis.
Read MoreMy formal dissertation proposal that outlines the basic concept and how I am going about the research and writing.
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