I created this website for people to be able to follow my thinking about volution theory. Initially I used it to post the elements of my PhD dissertation as it emerged to gather comments and suggestions. With the PhD complete, I hope it will become a home for reflections and stories about volution and its implications.
The PhD was completed successfully through Ubiquity University's Wisdom School. Below are links to each of the sections of the dissertation and here is a link to a PDF of the full final dissertation.
Here are links to the latest versions of the main sections of the dissertation:
6. Volution in the Individual, Culture and Society
The dissertation was approved through oral defence by a board comprised of Dr. Jude Currivan my Major Advisor (Oxford and Reading universities), Dr. Jim Garrison President of Ubiquity University (Harvard and Cambridge universities), Dr. Will Taegel Dean of Ubiquity's Wisdom School (Emory and Wisdom universities), Dr. Gyorgyi Szabo Ubiquity's Dean of Doctoral Students (Sorbonne university) and Dr Kingsley Dennis the external examiner (Lancaster and Nottingham universities).