2. Trinity
Here is a second draft of key thoughts for the section that fleshes out the first point in the thesis, about the three core elements. Thoughts welcome - does this make sense? Do you have other examples that would fit with the three aspects? Do you disagree with the way I have categorised any of them in the Table? I am toying with this, so hold it lightly with me...
The thesis: Looking out at the world, we can see for every entity at every level:
i. a boundary field (“Unified Field”) created by the original impulse for the entity that transcends yet includes every part of the entity
ii. an aspect of an entity that we can perceive with our 5 senses (“Relative Manifestation”)
iii. and an aspect of reality that exists in between the two (“Ubiquitous Spirit”).
The Unified Field is different to the Absolute Oneness (or “God”) in that the Unifying Field is something we perceive with our understanding and as such is always a relative part of a bigger whole, whereas Absolute Oneness is our inner subjective experience of oneness.
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